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Video Removed! Strike Added!

TLBNAWKI Back-Up Channel Issued With Strike A live stream that I done in August 2022, over on my back up channel has just today, received a strike for "medical misinformation". The live had no topic and was just a catch up, we covered so many things its hard to say what exactly they were not happy about, but on listening back, I am not surprised it has been removed. At the time of the recording, the channel was on two strikes, had the strike been issued then, the channel would have been deleted, and at that point in time we never even had the original channel back...

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Robert Ingram
Robert Ingram
Feb 22, 2023

Surveillance Vessel sailing close to disputed territories.Who established the no entry lines in common waters in the first place though, and why ? The artificial boundaries still need patrolled.

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Good afternoon brother

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