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Action Needed - Dead Birds On Beaches

A WOMAN who regularly goes wild swimming in the sea calls for more to be done to clear up dead birds from local beaches in Moray Scotland

The woman said: "I was walking one morning and I stopped counting at 20 dead birds.

"It was horrible and heartbreaking. I have noticed an increase in the number of dead birds.

"They looked to be guillemots and gannets, but I don't go too close to them.

"At the moment I won't go swimming. Ravens were picking them apart and dogs were playing with the dead birds." (The Northern Scot) The woman, who didn't want to be named, contacted the Scottish Government and was told to speak to Moray Council about the situation at Portessie and Strathlene.

However, the council has confirmed it does not have a statutory duty to collect every wild bird.

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